My Experience with the Coveo for Sitecore Developer Certification Exam

I have recently passed the Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 Cloud Certified Developer Exam and I’d like to share some of my experience here. It’s a three-hour exam but you probably won’t need that much time. It took me around two hours. You can choose to pause the exam and finish it later.

There are 90 multiple choice questions in total, and the passing mark is 70%. According to the exam guide, you can and are recommended to:

  • Install and experiment with the latest release of Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 with Coveo Cloud before taking the exam
  • Refer to the Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 developer training PDFs
  • Refer to the Coveor online documentation
  • Refer to a working instance of Sitecore with Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 already integrated

That means the exam is ‘open-book’, at least for now. That does Not mean it is an easy test. A good number of the answers don’t live directly in the PDFs and you may not even know where to find them online if you aren’t familiar with Coveo or aren’t well prepared. Here is what I did and would suggest you do in order to get a good score in the exam:

  • Pay attention during the training session and get at least the bulk of the learning in
  • Read patiently through the 400-page training PDF before the exam
  • Have the working instance of Sitecore with Coveo integrated on the side while reading the PDF so you can refer to it/experiment with it
  • Check out the related links in the PDF and at least skim through their content
  • Check the online documentation whenever you come across concepts you don’t quite understand

I attended a live training session provided by Coveo; you can also attend a training course found here. After taking the training, you will receive a unique free exam link via email, which never expires. You do have only one attempt per link and a retake costs US$500. The trial edition Coveo you used during the training does expire but you can probably get an extension by contacting your Coveo account manager or Coveo support.

Be sure to take a look at this site, where you can find important information on the exam including the Topics Covered:

“The certification exam covers many aspects of the Coveo for Sitecore solution including installation, upgrade, features, pricing, architecture, modules, scaling, configuration, fields, search queries, debugging, Coveo Cloud Platform, Coveo Search API, external content, Underscore.js, Coveo JavaScript Search Framework, UI components, resources, and more.”

Thanks, and good luck! 🙂


2 thoughts on “My Experience with the Coveo for Sitecore Developer Certification Exam

  1. Great post Shu. I recently passed the Coveo certification and this helped direct my study efforts, thanks for your help!


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